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Last modified 01.10.23

3D Module for Hubspot CMS

Implement 3D models in your HubSpot website 

Analysis Service for Child Theme Update

Experience comprehensive code analysis with us! We examine your entire codebase, ensuring thoroughness and accuracy.
We find out ourselves which was the common base version installed by the HS-Account-Admin.
We find out and analyze all the differences between the common base and each of the two updated versions.
Based on the determined data (see basic data)- number of differences, severity and number of conflicts, as well as the number of lines of code - we prepare a cost estimate for the 3-Way Merge Service (update).

Child Theme Update Service

€199.- Base amount. + see below
Get your update with our 3-Way Merge & conflict resolution service
We merge the two sets of changes based on the differences identified.
The code is not merged randomly, the procedure is always the same and therefore can be reproduced - same input, same output.
Only the code parts that have been changed by the HS-Account-Admin and the HS-CMS-Developer are merged.
In case of conflicts we intervene and solve them manually.
The costs are calculated according to the following table and our individual estimation and sent along with the result of the analysis.
Price table:
  1. Base amount for the Update/3-Way Merge Service. 199,-€.
  2. + analyzed number of lines of code.  Per 1000 lines of code 0,02€.
  3. + (for example) number of lines of a file which have been modified.  Per line 0,49€.
  4. + (for example) automatically flagged json code line. Per conflict 9.-€. (Almost impossible to do manually.)
  5. + (for example) number of conflicts that can be solved automatically. Per conflict 4,-€.
  6. + (for example) number of 1st level conflicts.  Per conflict 7,-€, approx. 3min.
  7. + (for example) number of 2nd level conflicts.  Per conflict 14,-€, approx. 6min.
  8. + (for example) number of 30th level conflicts.  Per conflict 210,-€, approx. 90min.
  9. + (for example) number of X level conflicts.  Per conflict X€, approx. X minutes of work time
  10. + possible additional services if requested.

The calculation may differ from the actual invoiced costs by ± 15%.


We are happy if we can help.